If you click on any account you will end up on the Account page (an Account = a company)
There you will have access to a range of information about the company from its basic description to more detailed insights.
So at the top, you should have something looking like the picture above with basic information: name, description, website, etc.
You can add custom notes for your own usage, although most of the time such notes should be in your CRM instead.
- Note that the revenue is self-reported so take it with a pinch of salt. It could be outdated, inflated... you don't really know. Don't rely on it!
- In the right sidebar, you will the recent account alerts. Not very useful as we can't filter there so it's likely to be filled with simple "Company XYZ posted an article" - yeah cool whatever
- If you click the "3 dots icon" and then "View more details", it will open a side panel with, well, more details.
If you scroll down a bit you will then have the account map.
Sales Navigator account map
The Sales Navigator account map is basically a hierarchized diagram highlighting the key leads to target in a given account. By default, it will be filled according to your sales preferences (again a reminder to set that up correctly!) but you can also create your own maps by going to Select map > Create a new map.
Leads are organized in different tiers:
- Tier 1: C-Suite or other decision makers
- Tier 2: Managers or other "champions" (still don't know exactly what that means)
- Tier 3: Employees
Once you've created a map, you can share it with other people in your organization so it can be useful to draft ideas on how to tackle a given account.
Next up we have growth insights, starting with headcount growth.
Employee count insight
It shows how the headcount evolved in the company over the last 2 years so it's useful to know if the company is growing or not and at which pace. Here we can see that Calendly has fast growth and more than doubled its headcount over the last 2 years.
If you click on the next tab you will have the actual distribution of that headcount in different departments.
Distribution of headcount insight
That one's very interesting because you can see what kind of company this is: is this company sales-led? product-led?
Which departments are growing/shrinking? If you're selling a product to sales, for example, that can be good to know that Calendly doubled their sales department over the last year: they're likely to face new challenges due to scale etc.
The next tab is new hires ie. a timeline of when new people got hired.
And finally we have the Job openings tab, highlighting which departments are recruiting at the moment. It's again very useful insight. Here for Calendly we can see they're recruiting heavily in the IT/Engineering side so they likely face a variety of problems there that you can address if you offer a solution in that space.
Sales Navigator job openings
If you continue scrolling down you will have system-recommended accounts similar to the one you're currently viewing. Worth having an eye on but don't expect much.
Sales Navigator recommended accounts
Then you have the list of account alerts. It's not the same as the alerts we saw at the top because here you can actually filter them and get rid of (some of) the noise. Here are the filters I like to turn on:
The reason is that as I said above, account news & updates are usually filled with simple notifications such as "XYZ posted an article" which are not very useful. On the contrary, being on top of who changed jobs etc. is very beneficial for relevant outreach.